A rare 1/4 dinar from Siqilliyya (Sicily)
Los 3527
ISLAMIC, Fatimids. al-Mustansir billah, AH 427-487 / AD 1036-1094. 1/4 Dinar (Gold, 15 mm, 1.01 g), stellate type, Siqilliyya (Sicily) (?). Shiʿa kalima arranged in six lines around a circle so as to form a star within the circle, ‘lā ilāha / illā Allāh / Muḥammad / rasūl / Allāh ʿAlī / walī Allāh’ (‘There is no deity but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah’ in Arabic); illegible mint and date formula in the margin. Rev. Name and title of the Fatimid caliph arranged in six lines around a circle so as to form a star within the circle, ‘al-Imām / Maʿadd / al-Mustanṣir / bi-llāh / amīr / al-muʾminīn’ (‘Imam Maʿadd al-Mustansir billah, Commander of the Believers’ in Arabic); illegible marginal legend. Album 722. Rare. Struck on a somewhat short flan and with light areas of weakness, otherwise, very fine.

From a West German collection, acquired from Schulten & Co in 1985 .
50 CHF
170 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 21:24:00 CEST
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